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IT Business Solutions to remain competitive in an increasingly connected world

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At massandra eBusiness engineering, we understand the challenges faced by IT and business managers in a complex IT ecosystem.

Our approach is simple: a transparent, structured, and analytical approach to delivering effective solutions to complex business and IT requirements.

We use our expertise in the areas of


  • IT security,

  • IT security architectures,

  • information security and compliance,

  • business analysis and project management,

  • AI ChatBots,

to deliver results that not only solve problems efficiently and effectively, but also pave the way for sustainable digital transformation.


Our Services

Our Competencies

Information Security Compliance

Information Security Compliance provides evidence that a company's information security management system (ISMS) complies with industry standards and legal requirements and demonstrates to stakeholders that it is capable of adequately protecting sensitive information. Another aspect is the minimization of risk costs in relation to the costs of security measures.

NIS-2 Compliance

With the transposition of the new EU NIS-2 directive into national law, around 30,000 companies are coming into the direct focus of Germany's cyber security agenda, in addition to critical infrastructures.

The German NIS2 transposition is scheduled to come into force in March 2025.

We support you in preparing and implementing the NIS2 requirements on the way to NIS2 compliance.


IT Project Management

If your IT project is at risk of going off course, we are the solution. Utilize our methodological expertise in Project Management and leadership experience.

And you will receive a transparent, realistic, and reliable implementation of your project.

Requirements Enginneering (RE)

Robust Requirements Engineering is crucial for IT project success. Over 80% of errors stem from inadequate requirements analysis, leading to misalignments with business goals. Enhancing RE during the Business Change Lifecycle can vastly improve outcomes.

AI for Business 

Integrating AI into your business processes opens up a wide range of opportunities to increase efficiency, drive innovation, deepen customer relationships and boost productivity. Provided you know how to successfully implement an AI project.

IT-Security Architecture

An increasing threat situation, greater complexity and the networking of companies are one of the biggest challenges for management, and we support you in mastering these challenges!

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